Asbestos Exterior Siding Removal Cheshire Connecticut
Finding a Siding Removal Connecticut Service isn’t hard now. There is no question that asbestos fibers do pose a health risk, and this is the reason that building materials no longer include this material. Asbestos-cement is a mixture of Portland cement reinforced with asbestos fibers.
Asbestos cement wall shingles were popular and used in the U.S. from the 1920s through the 1960s. Asbestos siding was essentially a cement siding product that asbestos fibers had been added to it. This was done in order to add fireproofing and stability to cement siding so that it wouldn’t crack or break as easily. At the time, no one knew that asbestos fibers were so harmful and carcinogenic especially if they are inhaled.

Why You Need Siding Removal Connecticut Service?
Asbestos cement siding is very brittle and can be easily chipped, cracked or broken so it is better if you leave its removal to the hands of the professional and specialists like us. Asbestos cement can also be dangerous if pulverized by sawing, sanding, breaking, etc. so try not doing that either and leave this to our hands too. Asbestos siding only poses a health risk when it is broken up and friable and the fibers become airborne.
Look out for a siding that is made to look like a roof shingles. It is generally very brittle, and the back may be black and have the appearance of tar paper. The siding may also contain asbestos if it is old with a wood-grain texture to resemble cedar. You should always try avoiding power-wash asbestos siding, as it can chip or damage the siding and release dangerous asbestos fibers into the air.
Various types of asbestos were added to the cement products earlier before EPN banned it. As asbestos is harmful and dangerous to our health and body so it is more preferable for it to be removed as soon as possible and as even the state government and the federal government both have banned it.
We are one of those companies who have licensed professionals who work upon it and help you to get rid of it even faster and thus helping you restore the aesthetics of your building. Want to know more about Siding Removal Connecticut? Call us at 203-672-1336